Case Story on Potato Seed System

General Information

  • Date of the interview: December 2019
  • Name of the Project: LEARN
  • Name of the donors: Irish Aid and Action On Poverty

Residential area:

  • Region- Amhara Regional State
  • Zone- South Gonder Zone
  • Woreda- Farta
  • Kebele-Ata

Personal Information
1. Full Name: Worknesh Ambaw
2. Gender (Sex):Female
3. Age: 36
4. Marital Status: Married
5. The No. Family members (No. of Households): 4 (four)
6. The No. of children: 2 sons.

What were your major problems before the project intervention?

Before the Vita stared the project, I know nothing about this quality seed. I used the local seed called “Aballo”. It was yield was so low. I trained how to manage my land, how to use fertilizer, and where to store seed and we built this diffuse light store.

When do you join the project?

In 2014

What kinds of training do you attained?
-Store management
-Land Keeping
-Financial Management etc.

How much is the size of your farming land?
1 Hectare

How many quintals do you collect/ harvest from your farm?
39 quintals

12. How many quintals did you collect from the local potato seed, before?
 May be 6 or 7. The yield was very tiny.
13. How do the programme officers follow and support your activity?
 They gave training twice a month.
 They follow up us from the land preparation to harvesting.
14. How do you evaluate your success after the project?
 There is change! Now, I build a house and we can teach our children in good school.
We have changed our house furniture and so on…

15. What is your plan or dream for the future?
 I have a plan to buy additional farm land and expand my farm.
16. How do you thank Vita and the programme officers for their support?
 Thank you very much.

Hydration is key

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