In the heart of Ethiopia’s rugged Rift Mountains lies the serene village of Holoo. Here, life unfolds against a backdrop of rolling hills, ancient traditions, and the ever-present struggle for water—a precious resource that sustains families, nourishes crops, and weaves the fabric of existence. 

Denai Ysaak, a resilient woman with weathered hands and a determined spirit, has been a Holoo’s Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) committee member for six years. Her commitment to ensuring clean water access for her community is unwavering. Denai’s vision extends beyond her own generation; she dreams of a legacy where her children and their children can quench their thirst without fear. 

Not long ago, Denai’s daily routine was a gruelling pilgrimage. Each morning, she would shoulder the weight of her responsibilities—literally. With a child strapped to her front and a water container on her back, she embarked on an arduous hour-long trek to the river. The water she collected was murky, contaminated and often insufficient. Denai knew this cycle had to change—for her sake and for the generations to come. 

Hollo village needed to partner with an organisation that was committed to delivering sustainable water solutions and along came Vita. Together they set up the WASH committee, developed a plan to fix the old broken water point and created a sustainability plan to ensure that the newly refurbished waterpoint would endure indefinitely. The Access to Clean Water Programme reached Holoo, bringing hope and transformation.  

Denai’s role became even more critical. As part of the WASH committee, she learned about water management, maintenance, and hygiene practices. Armed with knowledge, she became a beacon of change. Her four children—ranging from 17 years to a mere 5 months old—now thrive. They no longer suffer from waterborne illnesses. Denai’s family, like others in Holoo, enjoys improved health, more productive days, and a brighter future. 

Today, Denai walks to the community water point—not to fetch water, but to check its functionality. She inspects the pump, tests the water quality, and ensures timely repairs. Denai’s dedication echoes through the hills, reminding everyone that clean water is not just a necessity; it’s a lifeline. 

Holoo’s story is one of resilience, collaboration, and hope. Denai Ysaak’s legacy is etched in every drop of water that flows from the village tap. As the sun sets over the Rift Mountains, Holoo’s children play by the water point, their laughter echoing through time—a testament to Denai’s unwavering commitment.  

Holoo, once parched, now thrives.  The Access to Clean Water programme has turned the tide, and Denai Ysaak stands tall—a guardian of life-giving water. Her dream is simple: that the water point will endure, nourishing generations yet unborn. And so, in the heart of Ethiopia’s mountains, hope flows like a spring—refreshing, unstoppable, and eternal.